Disciplinary Punishments against Foreign Students



Disciplinary Punishments against Foreign Students


General Principles

第一条 为维护正常的教育教学和生活秩序,加强校风校纪建设,保障留学生身心健康,促进留学生全面发展,特制定本条例。

Article 1 These rules are created for maintaining a normal teaching and living order, building school environment, guaranteeing foreign students’ welfare and promoting their all-round development.

第二条 本条例适用于我校在籍的全日制留学生本科生和研究生。

Article 2 These rules are applicable to the full-time foreign undergraduates and graduates in NMU.


Disciplinary Punishments and Their Application

第三条 对有违法、违规、违纪的留学生,学校根据其情节轻重、认错态度、悔改表现等,给予批评教育或者纪律处分。

Article3 Foreign students who violate laws, rules or disciplines, are to receive criticism or disciplinary punishment according to their attitude.

第四条 纪律处分的种类分为:(一)警告;(二)严重警告;(三)记过;(四)留校察看;(五)开除学籍。

Article 4Disciplinary punishment is classified into &1000warning&1000, &1000serious warning&1000, &1000record demerit&1000,&1000under observation&1000, &1000expelled&1000.

第五条 有下列情况之一,可以从轻处分:

Article 5Punishment can be alleviated forthe following persons:


For Those who admit their violating behaviors and give repentance with good attitude in time.


For those who expose others’ violating behaviors and give school assistance.


For those who make clear contributions


For those who are good foreign students and make the first violating behavior and can make up for the loss with a strong promising.


For those who are intimidated or induced to make the violating behaviors


For those who cut off violating behaviors and prevent the bad result positively.

第六条 凡受警告以上处分者,当年不得参加奖学金的评定和享受其他荣誉待遇。

Article 6 Foreign students given &1000warning&1000 or higher-level punishment are deprived of the privilege of obtaining scholarship or other honors.


Violating Behaviors and Punishments Category

第七条 对违反我国法律、法规或受我国司法部门或其他执法部门处罚者,视情节轻重,分别给予下列处分:

Article 7 Those who violating Chinese laws and rules or other judicial stipulations are given the following punishment respectively:


Those foreign students who violate criminal law and are imposed criminal responsibility are to “expelled”.


Those foreign students who are registered by judicial organs with obvious criminal fact but are free of punishment and prosecution, are to be given &1000“under observation””


Those foreign students who violate Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security are imposed “warning” or penalty by public security organs, are given “warning” or “serious warning” if the behavior is light, and are given “record demerit” or “under observation” if the behavior is serious.


Those foreign students who are imposed custody by public security organs are “expelled”.

第八条 扰乱学校正常教学、工作、生活秩序;扰乱课堂、宿舍、食堂、礼堂、体育场所或其他公共场所秩序;不服从工作人员的正常管理或刁难、辱骂、围攻管理人员;故意在校园内敲击摔砸酒瓶等物品;在学生宿舍区、课堂、饭堂、活动中心、见习、实习医院等公共场所乱喊乱叫、乱泼污水或用手电筒乱照等;有上述行为之一者,视情节轻重给予以下处分:

Article 8 Disordering the teaching, working or living, destroying the public order in classroom, canteen room, dormitory, auditorium, stadium or others; disobeying even offending the administrator; breaking bottles on some of a purpose; making noise or rubbish in public place. Punishment will be given on the level of the above violating behaviors.


“Warning” or “serious warning” is given when the behavior is light


“Record demerit” or “under observation” is given when the behavior is worse and has got worse effects.


“Expelled” is given when the behavior is serious and has got worst effects.

第九条 故意撕毁学校各级组织的通告、布告,破坏学校宣传设施者,给予警告或严重警告处分;成立非法组织,举行非法游行、集会,书写、张贴危害我国国家安全的传单及组织煽动闹事,扰乱社会和学校秩序者,视情节轻重,给予开除学籍处分并交公安机关处理。

Article 9 &1000Warning&1000 or &1000serious warning&1000 is given to those who on purpose destroy announcements, bulletins or other propagandas; &1000expelled&1000 is given to those who make illegal organizations, parades, assembly; disseminate illegal leaflets; and destroy public order. If the behavior is serious, the public security organ is to be engaged in.

第十条 对偷窃、骗取、抢夺、敲诈勒索、冒领、非法占有我国国家、社会、集体和他人财物者,除追回赃款、赃物或赔偿损失外,视情节轻重、涉及金额大小,分别给予下列处分:

Article 10 Those who are engaged in burglary, deception, plunder, racketeering, or illegal occupation must make up for the loss, and are given the following punishments:


“Record demerit” or above is given to those in the case 500 RMB less


“Expelled” is given to those who never disobey in the case of above 500 RMB.


“Expelled” is given to those who have unlocked the door to make burglary.


“Serious warning” is given to those who buy thieveries. Thieveries are confiscated.


“Under observation” is given to those who provide convenience and shield to burglary.


The head of the criminal group is given a more serious punishment until “expelled” is applicable


“Under observation” is given to those who steal cachet, secret document, and archives if no serious effect occurs; if not, “expelled” is applicable.


Forging &altering credentials or bluffing

1. 未遂者给予严重警告处分;

“Serious warning” is given when the crime is abortive.

2. 造成后果者给予记过以上处分。

“Record demerit” is given when the crime is solid.

第十一条 对策划、肇事、打人、打架斗殴,以及为上述行为做伪证或提供凶器者,视情节与后果轻重,给予以下处分:

Article 11 Of fighting:


I. Organizer


“Record demerit” is given to those who instigate others to fight if no aftereffect occurs.


“Under observation” is given to those who instigate others to fight if aftereffect occurs.


&1000Expelled&1000 is given tothose who cause bad effects.


II. &1000Warning&1000 & &1000serious warning&1000 is given to those who instigate others but fail at last. &1000Record demerit&1000 or above punishment is given when fight occurs but without serious effect.


III. Peace breaker


”Warning” is given to those who only say insulting words and lead to the fight.


“Serious warning” is given to those who fight not hurt other person.


“Record demerit” or “under observation” is given to those who hurt others to some extent.


“Expelled” is given to those who hurt others seriously.


IV. Of participators


“Warning” is given to those participators.


“Serious warning” is given to those who fight but not hurt others.


“Record demerit” or “under observation” is given to those who hurt others to some extent.


“Expelled” is given to those who hurt others seriously.


&1000Serious warning&1000 is given to those who help one of the participators with an excuse of reconciling

第十二条 凡以任何形式参与赌博或为赌博提供条件者,除收缴赌资、赌具外,视情节轻重及认错态度,分别给予下列处分:

Article 12Of gamblers


“Serious warning” is given to those who gamble for the first time.


“Serious warning” is given to those who know but hide the truth.


“Under observation” or above is given to those who gamble repeatedly.


“Expelled” is given to those who gamble and cause other bad effects.


“Expelled” is given to those who gamble in the dorms with a large amount of money.


More serious punishment even “expelled” is given to those who organize gambling.

第十三条 无故缺课,不按时归校及学期结束前未经允许提前离校者,将受到如下处分:

Article 13 Foreign student who is absent without permission or doesn’t return to the University on time, or leaves school without permission before classes are officially over, he/she shall be subjected to the following punishments:


“Warning” is given to those who are absent for 20 or more study-hours.


“Serious warning” is given to those who are absent for 30 or more study-hours.


“Record demerit” is given to those who are absent for 40 or more study-hours.


“Under observation” is given to those who are absent for 50 or more study-hours.


“Expelled” is given to those who are absent for 60 or more study-hours, or stay away from the school for 2 weeks without permission.

第十四条 对在考试、考查中有违纪和作弊行为者的处分参见《南京医科大学留学生考试违纪与作弊处理办法》。

Article 14 Violating behavior during examinations is punished consulting Punishments againist Violating Disciplines & Cheating in Exams for Foreign Students of NMU.

第十五条 对违反学校宿舍管理有关规定者,视情节轻重,给予以下处分:

Article 15 Of violating behavior in dorms


“Warning” is given to those who use electric utensils which may cause danger in dorms, and don’t obey the instructions.


“Warning” ,“serious warning” or “record demerit” is given to those who make noise during rest time, and don’t obey the instructions.


“Record demerit” is given to those who accommodate the opposite sex for the first time. “Expelled” is given when that happens to the same person twice or more. “Warning” is given to foreign students in the same dorm if not prevent that.


“Serious warning” with compensation is given to those who cause fire through smoking or candle. If bad effect occurs, “under observation” or above is given.


“Serious warning” or “record demerit” is given to those who destroy fire-control equipments or remove electric wires. If bad effect occurs, “under observation” or above is given.

第十六条 应当在校居住的留学生未经学校批准夜不归宿,给予警告或严重警告处分。江宁校区一年级留学生未经批准擅自在校外租房居住的,给予严重警告处分并勒令其立即搬回学校;留学生在校外租房居住,违反有关规定,给学校带来不良影响的,给予记过或留校察看处分。

Article 16 “Warning” or “serious warning” is given to those don’t accommodate in the dorm without permission. To those who live on Jiangning campus and rent outside, “serious warning” and a returning order is given. To those who live on Wutai campus and rent outside, if make violating behaviors effecting school, “record demerit” or “under observation” is given.

第十七条 对酗酒滋事、扰乱正常校园秩序者,视情节轻重,给予以下处分:

Article 17 Of drink control


“Warning” or “serious warning” is given to those who drink in the school and don’t give up after instruction.


“Serious warning” or above is given to those who disorder the public after drink

第十八条 有吸毒、介绍他人吸毒、贩毒行为者,给予开除学籍处分。

Article 18 Any foreign students who take or trafficking drugs or seduce others to take drugs shall be expelled from school.

第十九条 凡在校园内或校外实习、见习、生活、活动场所,违反爆炸、易燃、剧毒、放射性等危险物品管理规定,私自藏匿并使用上述危险物品,或燃放烟花爆竹、焚烧物品、乱扔玻璃瓶、水袋、火棒等危险物品,扰乱学校正常秩序,危及公共安全者,给予严重警告或记过处分。造成后果的,视程度给予留校察看以上处分。

Article 19 Any foreign students who are inviolation of regulations concerning the control of dangerous objects such as explosives, deadly poisons, combustibles and radioactive elements or hide or use above objects or fire crack works, items and dump glass bottles, water bags or burning sticks hence inciting social disturbances and imperiling public security shall be given serious warning or recording demerit. They shall be under observation according to the results.

第二十条 对利用计算机网络进行违纪者,给予以下处分:

Article 20 Any foreign students in violations of regulations through computer and network shall be given punishment as follows:


Foreign students who make use of computer information network to produce, copy, and public or spread any contents in the following list shall be given warning or more serious punishment according the situation.


Endangering the national security, revealing state secrets, overthrowing sovereign of the state, or breaching the unit of the state.


Altering on purpose the computer data base information of the state, departments and corporations.


Doing harm to the honor and the interests of our country and group.


Agitating racial hate and racial discrimination and breaching racial unit in our country.


Breaking the religious policy of our country and preaching evil religion and superstition.


Bruiting rumors, disturbing the order of school and society, and destroying social stability.


Propagating anything of pornography, gamble, violence, homicide or terror, and instigating crime.


Insulting or defaming others, or infringing legitimate rights and interests of others.


Any other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations of our country.


Foreign students who program, input and spread virus on purpose, hence imperiling computer information system and network system and causing any results shall be given serious warning or more serious punishment according to the consequence.


Foreign students who take unlawfully relevant document address of other people and cause bas results shall be punished severely in accordance with the first two items of Article 29.


Foreign students who violate national administrative stipulations on computer network shall receive warning or more serious punishment.

第二十一条 对收(观)看、复制(含制作)、传播、出售、出租含有淫秽、封建迷信、邪教内容的书刊、图书、录像、磁带、光盘等资料者,视情节轻重,分别给予以下处分:

Article 21 Foreign students who receive (or watch), duplicate (or produce), spread, sale or rent out literatures inkling periodical, books, videotapes, cassettes and discs, which embody pornography, superstition, and illegal shall be given punishment as follows according to the situation:


Warning or serious warning for foreign students who receive ( or watch) video and audio products containing pornography, superstition and evil religion or read books of that kind;


“Recording demerit” or “under observation” in school for foreign students who duplicate and spread documents like that;


“Under observation” in school or more serious punishments for foreign students who rent out or sale documents of that kind.

第二十二条 对损坏公共财物或他人财物者,视情节轻重和造成后果的严重程度,给予以下处分:

Article 22 Such punishments shall be given to foreign students damaging public properties and facilities or personal wealth and things:


Foreign students who cut, scribble or pastern anything on buildings, classroom and public facilities, apparatus and signs in the laboratory without approval and ignore warning and persuasion shall receive warning or serious warning depending on the situation. In addition, they shall be ordered to clean those places within the limited time.


Foreign students who break the campus facilities, building infrastructure or public equipments and apparatus in classrooms and labs shall be given serious warning or record demerit in addition to compensation for losses.


Foreign students who damage public facilities on purpose and cause sever consequences shall compensate for the losses and be under observation. If there are any especially bad behaviors or severe consequences, expulsion from academic status shall be given.


Foreign students who damage personal wealth of other people on purpose shall compensate for the losses if the course is clear. Warning or serious warning shall be given if the adverse effects are minor; recording demerit or more serious punishments shall be given it the consequences are serious.


Seniors who damage public properties before leaving school shall get the concrete formalities delayed and shall be punished according to these Regulations.

第二十三条 污辱或妨碍他人者,分别给予下列处分:

Article 23 Foreign students who insult or be harmful to others shall receive punishments as follows:


1. Serious warning or more serious punishment shall be given to those who insult, defame, accuse falsely, frame or threaten other people but when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment.


2. Serious warning or more serious punishment shall be given to those who do harm to the free communication of others but criminal responsibility is not investigated.

第二十四条 调戏、猥亵妇女,或以恋爱为名玩弄异性,未构成刑事责任者,视其情节轻重,给予记过以上处分。

Article 24 Foreign students who assail females with obscenities or deceit females with love as disguise shall be given a record demerit or more serious punishments according to situation when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment.

第二十五条 对其他违纪者,视情节轻重,给予以下处分:

Article 25 Other violators shall be punished according to the situation as follows:


Foreign students who illegally control other people or search the body or residence of others but when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment shall receive serious warning or more serious punishments.


Foreign students who endanger other people’s safe or interfere the lives of others through writing letters of intimidation, harassing phones or SMS messages of bad contents shall be given serious warning or more serious punishments.


Foreign students who break operation regulations during teaching classes, experiments, practice or novitiate and cause accidents shall be given warning or more serious punishments.


Foreign students who deliberately ignore the administration or leave the team without approval during novitiate shall receive serious warning or recording demerit.


Foreign students who lend their student ID card and school emblem, or alter or forge credentials to deceit others, organize or harbor dangerous person but not make criminal mistakes shall receive warning or more serious punishments.


Foreign students who attaint library books on purpose, replace brand new books with old ones or borrow books with stolen cards shall be given serious warning or more serious punishments.


Foreign students who hide, scrape or illegally opening another person&1000s postal articles and cause adverse influences or damages shall be given serious warning or more serious punishments in addition to compensation for losses according to the circumstance.


Foreign students who forge the signatures of others shall receive record demerit or more severe punishments in accordance with the gravity of the circumstances.


Foreign students who participate in the activities of evil religions or superstition spoiling the image of foreign students shall be under observation in accordance with the seriousness of the consequences.


Foreign students who plagiarize or copy the research findings of others shall be given serious warning if the situation is not serious, and be dismissed the status as foreign students if the situation is grievous.


The Execution of Punishments and the Appealing Way

第二十六条 留学生处分决定的审批程序和权限

Article 26 The examine and approval procedure of the purview of the decision of the punishment on the foreign students

The steps of the inspection are as follows:


The initial affirm of foreign students’ behaviors of violating rules: the fact of breaking the rules of foreign students refers to the behaviors of specific person in the administrative scoop of our school. Their behaviors shall be confirmed in accordance with this provision.


Inspections on the behaviors of violating rules of foreign students: stuffs of concerned departments of school and all-time or part-time teachers in the charge of foreign students’ affairs have the right to inspect the mistakes made by foreign students or consign the inspection to institutions which have the right to carry out the functions of management, inspection and authentication within the permission of our state laws and policies.


Inquiring the participators;


Inquiring the attester; and the contents of inspections into the violations of regulations of foreign students shall be in written form with the signature and finger print of the person inquired after he\she has checked the record;


Collecting the paper evidence or material evidence;


Listening to the citation and explication of the foreign student or his\her attorney which shall be well recorded on paper before the punishing decision has been made; in the end, the foreign student to be punished or his\her attorney should sign the record, otherwise declaration shall be added;


Where foreign students are given warning or serious warning, SIE shall make the decision after discussion. And SIE is also responsible for document of specific disposal and an announcement.


Where foreign students receive “recording demerit” or are kept in school but under “under observation”, SIE should make proposal of disposal in the office conference and submit it to the chief school authorities for approval and ratification and hence an announcement. The document should be sent to the Educational Department of Jiangsu Province to be archived.


.Where foreign students receive expulsion from academic status, proposal of disposal should be made by SIE in the office conference, which should be submitted by the chief school authorities to the president’s conference for approval, and then be reported to the Educational Department of Jiangsu Province to be archived. The embassy of the country where the foreign student to be punished come from in our country should be informed.


SIE shall cooperate with other departments concerned to deal with circumstances as follows:


Cooperation with the Department of Security is required where foreign students violate rules as well as “Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security” or are suspected of crime.


Cooperation with the Department of Public Security is required where foreign students commit crime.


When warning, serious warning or recording demerit is given, SIE makes draft and sends to the President’s office. SIE will announce to other departments after the punishment is decided.


SIE ought to inform the foreign student and the parents of the decision of punishment in time after it has been made so as to make the education undergoes well; the documents of the penalty should be archived completely in the school document as well as in personal document.

第二十七条 留学生违纪处分呈报材料


Article 27 Documents of punishment on foreign students who violate regulations need to be submitted. They include:


Registration form of punishment on foreign students of NMU;


Documents of violation fact of relevant certificate material;


Documents of affirmation and self-criticism of the foreign students in violation of regulations.

第二十八条 善后处理

Article 28Afterward treatment

(一) 可根据受处分留学生的悔改表现,由其本人向国际教育学院提出消过评议申请,国际教育学院会同教务处、保卫处等部门给予评议,作出是否取消或减轻处分决定,评议材料归入学校文书档案。

The foreign student given punishment can put forward the application to the Scholl of International Education for removing the punishment according to his/her remedial behaviors. The Scholl of International Education shall convene with the Department of Teaching Affairs and Department of Security to make assessment and decide whether the punishment will be concealed or bated. The assessment material should be archived in the school documents.


Scholl of International Education is responsible to carry out the relevant education and consolidation, and periodic inspection.


The term of “under observation” is generally 1 year. During this period, foreign students who have outstanding behaviors can get the “under observation” terminated ahead of schedule, but no shorter than 6 months; foreignstudents who don not alter their bad behaviors or receive punishment again shall get the term prolonged or expulsion of academic status; if the term is not prolonged when it expires, it can be regarded as concealed.


If foreign students are kept under “under observation” in their senior year, they shall receive certification for completing courses in stead of diploma.


The foreign students who receive repulsion from academic status will get study proofs and shall leave the school in the limited time.

五、附 则

Supplementary Provisions

第二十九条 本条例没有列举的违纪行为,确应给予处分的可参照相近条款给予处理,如果不能参照的可按处分权限研究处理。

Article 29 Necessary punishments shall be given to foreign students whose violations are not listed in these Regulations referring similar provisions in these Regulations. If there are no references, disposals can be made according to the jurisdiction for punishment.

第三十条 本条例所涉事宜,与以往规定有抵触的,以本条例为准;本条例未尽事宜,学校以往有规定的,按以往规定办。

Article 30 Cases not explained in these Regulations but stipulated before by the school shall be disposed in accordance with the preceding stipulations; cases stipulated both in these Regulations and preceding ones shall be disposed according to the latest ones. If any conflicts between these Regulation and preceding ones occurs, the latest ones should be adopted.

第三十一条 本条例关于处分界限和幅度的以上或以下均包含本级在内。

Article 31 In numerical phrase containing the words “or more serious punishments” used in these Regulations, the indicated punishments are included.

第三十二条 本条例由南京医科大学国际教育学院负责解释。

Article 32 Scholl of International Education is responsible for the explication of these Regulations.