

1. Registration Fee 500 RMB

2. Tuition Fee (pay annually)

MBBSEnglish Medium                                  34000 RMB / Year

MBBSChinese Medium                                 30000 RMB / Year

Master’s program(except MPH)                           35000 RMB / Year

MPH                                                                    30000 RMB / Year

Doctoral Program                                                38000 RMB / Year

3. Accommodation Fee (pay annually)

Single Room: 12000RMB/Year(Wutai Campus & Jiangning Campus); 

Double Room: 6000RMB/Year(Jiangning Campus), 8000RMB/Year(Wutai Campus)

Three-bedroom: 6800RMB/Year(Wutai Campus) 


3.1 Provide basic furniture, independent toilet, water heater, air conditioner, internet, public laundry room, public kitchen

3.2 Students are responsible for paying for utilities, including water, electricity and internet according to actual usage.

4. Insurance Fee 600RMB/Year

5. Residence Permission Fee 400RMB/Year

6. Physical Exam Fee 538RMB/Person


The above fees must be paid in any one of the following ways:

Students can deposit the fees in their own Bank of China account and the fees will be deducted by Finance Department automatically.

Students can swipe their own Bank of China card in Finance Department.

Students parents can remit fees to our university's account from China or abroad. The date of arriving to the Finance Department of our university will be regarded as the date of payment. The remittance receipt that students submit will no longer be regarded as the proof of payment before the Finance Department receives the remittance.

International students are required to pay all the fees before the end of the first week of the first semester of each academic year. Only if students pay all the fees, their registration is considered valid and students have the qualification of enrollment in this academic year. Students, who cannot pay the fees for some special reasons, after School's approval of delay, are required to pay the fees before the third week is over. However, students who pay the fees in the second and third week are required to pay the penalty of 1000 RMB. Students who haven’t paid the fees before the fourth week of the beginning of the first semester of each academic year, will be regarded as not completing the registration and will be cancelled the qualification of enrollment.  

All the Payment of international students must directly be sent to the Finance Department of Nanjing Medical University, and can't send to any agency or person.

International students who want to leave school after paying the tuition fee and the accommodation fee because of special reasons, a portion of the tuition fee and the accommodation fee will be refunded. The accommodation fee is divided into 21 portions (ten and half of a month), and half of a month shares one portion of the fees. The date of leaving school will be admitted by school after the International student submits the written report. A portion of tuition fee and accommodation fee will be refunded before the 15th of that month, if after 15th of the month; nothing will be refunded of that month.

This regulation shall be interpreted by Student Affairs Office, School of International Education of Nanjing Medical University. It shall go into effect on June 25, 2014.