(For 2016 Clinical Masters) Clinical Arrangement for 2016 Clinical Professional Master


Dear all,

This is to inform you that from Feb.1st, you will be required to go to the clinical. There is PLAN A and PLAN B, details in the following,

PLAN A: Big rotation mainly according to the rotation schedule (2014 version). A little difference of some disciplines in each hospital.

PlAN B: Stay with your discipline, under the guidance of your supervisor.

Please choose from PlAN A & B, according to the requirements from your country Medicine Committee and your own condition. There are Clinical recording book for you all to finish, but different PLAN using different parts. The ones choose PLAN A are required to pass the theory and operation in each discipline.


  1. The ones who have decided to choose PLAN B, please download the agreement table fill in the time arrangement in form: 2017-02-01~2019-06-30 + (your specialty), print out, 4 copies, to Teaching Affair Office firstly, before Jan.11th(this Wednesday). Then take the tables to the teaching affair office in your hospital.

  2. From Feb.16-17, you can get an agreement table about the following arrangement from the teaching affair office in hospital.

  3. For everyone, 4 copies should be finished. (They are for teaching affair office (hospital), teaching affair office (SIE), your supervisor and yourself.) All aspects should get it before Feb.18.

临床技能训练记录及考核手册(临床学科)(Clinical recording book).docx

留学生研究生临床轮转协议表格(Agreement Table).docx

临床与口腔医学留学生硕士专业型培养方案(2014版)(Rotation Schedule(2014 version)).docx

Teaching Affair Office, SIE
